[repo-coord] Upgrading kernels (and kmdls) with apt/smart/yum
Axel Thimm
2005-05-28 14:16:56 UTC

while none of the depsolvers can currently upgrade kernels *along with
the dependent kmdls* automagically, this is very easy to do with a
little workaround, which I'm reposting here, as the topic has become
an FAQ.

rpm -qa --qf '%{name} ' \*kmdl\*${OLD}\* | sed -e"s,$OLD,$NEW,g" | xargs apt-get -y install

You can also use

OLD=`uname -r`

if you are running the old kernel you want to replicate the kmlds for
(which is the usual setup).

This will download and install both all the kmdls you have for $OLD
rebuilt for $NEW, as well as the $NEW kernel itself.
Axel.Thimm at ATrpms.net
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