Jeff Pitman
2004-12-27 22:17:58 UTC
Needs to be coordinated so I've forwarded this out.
Upgrade the previous versions.
only packaging version-specific files like he did with atrpms' py2.4.
Backwards compat* should never pkg files that aid in further
development of that library branch (ie, /usr/bin/wish). But, the
question is what about forward compat packages?
My recommendation is how I did it in pyvault--move the packages forward
instead of trying to play nice. Then, provide backwards compat where
necessary to prevent removal of pkg that you don't care to touch.
take care,
Needs to be coordinated so I've forwarded this out.
I run FC1. I added PyVault to my sources.list, and apt-get
dist-upgrade wants to install compat-tcl now, but after download it
says there are conflicts with tcl-8.3, tk-8.3, and tix-8.3. Should
not the new package obsolete the whole bunch?
Not really, since tcl = 8.4.5, tk = 8.4.5, and tix = 8.4.5 shoulddist-upgrade wants to install compat-tcl now, but after download it
says there are conflicts with tcl-8.3, tk-8.3, and tix-8.3. Should
not the new package obsolete the whole bunch?
Upgrade the previous versions.
Interestingly, when I downloaded compat-tcl and tried installing
Axel's new tcl and tk AND compat-tcl with one command,
rpm -Uvh --test *rpm
the only thing which was missing was /usr/bin/wish.
Axel's tcl/tk approach would then be different from mine. Probably he'sAxel's new tcl and tk AND compat-tcl with one command,
rpm -Uvh --test *rpm
the only thing which was missing was /usr/bin/wish.
only packaging version-specific files like he did with atrpms' py2.4.
Backwards compat* should never pkg files that aid in further
development of that library branch (ie, /usr/bin/wish). But, the
question is what about forward compat packages?
My recommendation is how I did it in pyvault--move the packages forward
instead of trying to play nice. Then, provide backwards compat where
necessary to prevent removal of pkg that you don't care to touch.
take care,