[repo-coord] RPMforge invitation
Dag Wieers
2005-04-12 08:25:04 UTC

There's no good time for sending this mail, except in the past :)

What started as an experiment between Matthias, Dries and me, will
hopefully become a much broader cooperation between existing packagers,
developers and users, including you.

At this point RPMforge is nothing more than 1 big repository of SPEC files
that build for a large set of distributions together with a few agreed
techniques and policies. So in that respect it shouldn't be hard to join.

The bigger and more complicated step would be one where we merge the
building process and make a complete set of packages out of it. But before
doing that we think we should complete the first and simple step of
merging by having known and good packagers involved.

Currently we do not have much infrastructure and there definitely is a
need for improving this. The subversion system, website and mailinglists
are currently hosted on a server owned and managed by Dries.

If you're interested to join the discussions or merge SPEC files, you can
subscribe to the packager mailinglist.

http://rpmforge.net/ (and consider it a draft :))

If you need more information about RPMforge, and the unfinished website is
of no help, please post to the mailinglist. The future will depend on your
feedback and involvement. We have some vague ideas, but nothing is set in
stone yet.

We hope to hear from you soon.

-- dag wieers, ***@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ --
[all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]
